Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 - Worksheet

Year 2
Comparing and Ordering Numbers Up to 100 - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This collection of worksheets is designed to help students develop their understanding of numbers up to 100, focusing on the skills of ordering and comparing. The 'Ordering Numbers Up to 100 Worksheet' directs students to arrange a set of given numbers from the smallest to the largest, encouraging them to recognise numerical value and sequence. This task is fundamental in building a strong number sense and is a key part of the maths curriculum for primary education.

Additionally, the 'Comparing Numbers Up to 100 Worksheet' requires students to compare sets of numbers and use the correct symbols (<, >, or =) to denote their relationship. This activity helps to sharpen critical thinking as students evaluate the size of numbers relative to each other. Both worksheets are designed to be clear and accessible, providing a structured approach to learning these essential mathematical concepts. For those seeking to check their answers, an accompanying answer sheet is provided, ensuring that students can receive immediate feedback on their work.

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