Make 100

Maths Resource Description
The game 'Make 100' is an engaging and educational activity designed to help learners understand and memorize number facts that add up to 100. Suitable for two players, the game requires a 0-9 dice and a blank 0-100 number line, which players use to visually plot their progress towards the target total.
To begin, players take turns rolling the dice to generate a two-digit number. Once a number is rolled, each player must calculate the difference needed to reach 100 and then mark this number on the number line. For example, if a player rolls a 38, they need to figure out that 62 is needed to complete the sum to 100, and then 62 is plotted on the line. The aim is to be the first player to plot four numbers on the number line without any of the opponent's numbers interrupting the sequence. It's interesting to note that the units in each sum always add up to ten (except when both are zero), and the tens will total 90. Beginners may find it helpful to initially mark the multiples of ten on the number line to aid in their calculations and strategy.