CanDo KS2 SATs Checklist and Assessment

Maths Resource Description
The CanDo KS2 SATs Checklist and Assessment is a comprehensive tool designed to help track the mathematical abilities of Key Stage 2 students in preparation for their SATs. It is structured around the performance descriptors from the Key Stage 2 Mathematics Framework, with references to specific content domains for each skill. The checklist presents a clear and organised format where a student's proficiency can be marked as 'Can Do' or 'Not Yet' for each listed skill, allowing for easy identification of areas that require further development or reinforcement.
The checklist covers a wide range of mathematical competencies, starting from basic place value understanding in whole numbers up to 10,000,000, to more complex operations such as long multiplication and division. It includes skills like rounding numbers, working with negative numbers, counting in steps, identifying multiples and factors, and performing calculations with fractions, decimals, and percentages. Additionally, the assessment encompasses practical applications such as using simple ratio, interpreting time, converting metric units, and calculating the perimeter and area of shapes. It also touches on geometry, algebra, and data handling skills, such as understanding properties of shapes, working with coordinates, and interpreting various types of graphs and charts. This structured approach ensures that students are well-prepared for their SATs by providing a clear framework for both teaching and assessing their mathematical knowledge and abilities.