Multiply numbers with up to two digits by a two digit number [C7]

Year 6
Multiply numbers with up to two digits by a two digit number [C7]
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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The CanDoSATs KS2 materials from Buzzard Publishing provide a comprehensive set of exercises aimed at enhancing the mathematical skills of Key Stage 2 pupils. One of the tasks focuses on multiplying numbers with up to two digits by a two-digit number. This exercise challenges students to find missing digits that complete a series of multiplication calculations correctly. As part of the problem-solving process, students are encouraged to apply their understanding of multiplication to deduce the unknown values that would make each equation valid. The exercises are designed to promote critical thinking and reinforce the students' numeracy fluency.

Another practical application included in the CanDoSATs KS2 resources involves a real-world scenario: calculating the number of minibuses required to transport all the children in a school. With eight classes of 32 children each, students must work out the total number of children and then divide this by the capacity of one minibus, which can carry 14 children. This task not only tests the pupils' division and multiplication skills but also their ability to apply mathematical concepts to everyday situations. Additional exercises involve division and using known multiplication facts to solve more complex problems, further solidifying the pupils' understanding and proficiency in handling various mathematical operations.