Double 3-digit numbers

Maths Resource Description
The ArithmeKit 3.17 from Buzzard Publishing, part of the CanDoMaths series, is designed to help students practice and master the concept of doubling three-digit numbers. The kit includes a variety of exercises that encourage students to find matching pairs of doubled numbers and to identify missing elements in number sequences. For example, students may be asked to double the number 435 to find the result of 870, or to find the double of 249, which is 498. Furthermore, the kit provides opportunities for students to create their own matching pairs problems, enhancing their understanding of the concept.
Additional activities within the kit involve using base 10 resources or place value counters to build numbers and then double them, fostering a hands-on approach to learning. Students work with numbers like 139, 228, and 317, doubling them to see patterns and relationships. The kit also presents a statement from a character named Colin, who suggests that doubling a three-digit number involves doubling each individual digit. This leads to a challenge where students must use practical resources to convince another character, Coco, that doubling the number 296 results in 592. The kit includes problems with missing digits, asking students to use their knowledge to complete sequences and equations, further reinforcing their understanding of number doubling.