Solve multiplication problems

Year 2
Solve multiplication problems
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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ArithmeKit 221 presents a series of engaging activities to help students understand and solve multiplication problems. The exercises encourage children to visualize multiplication through real-world scenarios, such as calculating the number of wheels on cars or the number of corners in triangles. For instance, students are asked to draw pictures to represent problems like "How many wheels on 2 cars?" and "How many corners on 10 triangles?" This approach not only makes the concept of multiplication tangible but also allows students to express the problems mathematically, writing statements such as 2 cars x 4 wheels = 8 wheels for the first question.

The kit further challenges students to create stories around given multiplication equations, such as "4 x 5 = 20" and "3 x 10 = 30," prompting them to notice patterns and relationships within multiplication, like the commutative property illustrated by "5 x 2 = 2 x 5." Additionally, students are tasked with finding missing numbers in bar models, using a set of digits to ensure a true mathematical statement. This not only tests their understanding of multiplication but also their problem-solving skills. The provided answers to the multiplication problems, such as "2 x 5 = 10" and "10 x 8 = 80," confirm students' calculations and reinforce their learning. Buzzard Publishing's CanDoMaths ArithmeKit serves as a comprehensive tool to deepen students' multiplication knowledge and ability to apply it creatively.