Partition a 2-digit number in different ways

Year 2
Partition a 2-digit number in different ways
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

Exploring the concept of partitioning a 2-digit number in various ways, the ArithmeKit 23 from CanDoMaths ArithmeKit provides an engaging activity for students to deepen their understanding of number composition. The task encourages learners to break down numbers such as 43, 64, and others into sums of tens and units, highlighting multiple combinations that equate to the same total. For instance, the number 34 can be partitioned as 10 + 24, 20 + 14, or 30 + 4. This method not only aids in grasping the concept of place value but also demonstrates the flexibility of numbers in arithmetic.

Within the activity, students are challenged to identify the odd one out in a set of partitioned numbers, encouraging them to scrutinize the components of each partition and their relation to the original number. They are also invited to create their own puzzles, further reinforcing their comprehension. Additionally, the resource prompts learners to consider Colin's statement about the number of ways to partition a 2-digit number into tens and the rest, leading to an investigation of when this might be true. The versatility of partitioning is showcased by rearranging digits to form equivalent sums, such as 32 + 20 being the same as 10 + 42, and through the use of bar model diagrams to visually represent the partitions.