Compare and order numbers to 100 and position them on a number line

Year 2
Compare and order numbers to 100 and position them on a number line
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

The ArithmeKit 22 from CanDoMaths provides a comprehensive set of activities designed to help students understand how to compare and order numbers up to 100 and accurately place them on a number line. One of the exercises encourages students to find missing numbers to create matching pairs, enhancing their ability to discern numerical sequences and gaps. For instance, students are asked to identify the number that fits between 23 and 28, or between 33 and 48, prompting them to recognise patterns and use their knowledge of number order.

Another engaging activity involves filling in the blanks to create true statements, such as "5 < 3__" or "__7 < 3__", by inserting the appropriate digits. This task not only reinforces the concept of number magnitude but also encourages students to consider the relative positions of numbers on a number line. By exploring different combinations and permutations of digits, students develop a deeper understanding of numerical relationships. The challenge of using only two different digits or all digits from 0 to 9 once each adds an extra layer of complexity and fun to the learning process. Through these exercises, students are guided to discover key principles, such as the fact that a number with three tens is smaller than one with four tens, or that 51 is greater than 39, further solidifying their number sense and reasoning skills.