Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Finding the difference between positive and negative integers

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Finding the difference between positive and negative integers
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In Max Maths for Year 6, students are given practical exercises to enhance their understanding of integers, particularly focusing on the differences between positive and negative numbers. Through a series of questions based on real-world data, children are asked to analyse the changes in river levels throughout the year. For instance, they must calculate the variation in water levels between different months such as August and June, May and April, June and February, and February and January. These questions help students apply their knowledge of integers to find differences between measurements that can be both above and below sea level, represented by positive and negative values respectively.

The activities also encourage students to make inferences from data, such as determining the likely rainy season based on the given river level information. In a further task, students are required to conduct research on average monthly temperatures in six different countries, with a specific focus on finding places where the winter temperature falls below zero. They are instructed to present their findings in a tabulated format and then use this data to compare temperatures across three selected months, arranging the countries from the coldest to the hottest. This exercise not only reinforces the concept of negative numbers but also integrates skills in research, data organisation, and comparative analysis.