Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Review of adding and subtracting decimals

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Review of adding and subtracting decimals
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths programme for Year 6, students are given the opportunity to practice and review their skills in adding and subtracting decimal numbers. The "Let's Try It" section presents two subtraction problems where students are tasked with finding the difference between pairs of decimals. The first problem requires subtracting 4.39 from 6.52, while the second problem involves subtracting 12.88 from 19.05. These exercises are designed to reinforce the students' understanding of decimal place value and the process of aligning decimal points before performing the calculations.

The "Let's Practise" section offers a more extensive set of problems, allowing students to further hone their decimal addition and subtraction skills. Students are presented with six addition problems, ranging from simple equal additions like 0.66 + 0.66, to more complex calculations such as 11.05 + 15.22. Additionally, there are six subtraction problems that challenge the students to accurately subtract smaller decimals from larger ones, such as subtracting 2.09 from 8.49, and dealing with larger numbers like subtracting 0.45 from 93. These exercises are crucial for building confidence in handling decimal operations, which is an essential skill in mathematics. Students are also directed to workbook pages 48 to 51 for further practice and reinforcement of the concepts covered.