Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000 (1)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000 (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 6, students are encouraged to engage with numerical concepts through practical exercises. One such activity involves comparing and ordering numbers up to one million. In the 'Try it' section, students are presented with pairs of numbers and are tasked with writing them in a chart to clearly identify each digit's place value, from ones through to hundred thousands. This visual representation aids in understanding the magnitude of each number and facilitates easier comparison.

The exercise provides two examples for students to work through. The first pair of numbers, 721,349 and 737,052, must be broken down into their respective place values and then compared to determine which is greater. Similarly, the second set of numbers, 936,017 and 936,170, are to be placed in the chart for the students to analyze and compare. By doing so, students practice recognizing and understanding the significance of each digit's position within a number, which is crucial when comparing larger numbers. The activity is designed to build confidence in working with big numbers and to reinforce the concept of place value. Students are also directed to workbook pages 24 to 26 for further practice with these concepts.