Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000 (2)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000 (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In an engaging lesson from Max Maths for Year 6 students, the task is to compare and order numbers within the one-million range. The example provided challenges children to determine which of two large numbers is greater. The numbers in question are 801,225 and 801,063. To solve this, the lesson guides students through a step-by-step comparison starting from the highest value place, which is the Hundred Thousands place. In this case, both numbers have the digit '8' in the Hundred Thousands place, indicating that they are equal at this level of comparison.

Moving on, the students are instructed to look at the Ten Thousands place, where again both numbers have a '0', showing no difference yet. The comparison continues to the Thousands place, which also reveals no difference since both numbers have '1' in this place. The deciding factor comes at the Hundreds place where the first number has '2' hundreds, while the second number has '0' hundreds. This indicates that 801,225 is indeed greater than 801,063. The lesson reinforces the importance of comparing digits from the highest value place down to the lowest to accurately determine the greater number. Students are directed to workbook pages 20 to 23 to continue practicing these skills.