Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Translation

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Translation
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 5 Workbook, students are given a practice exercise on translation, which is a term used in geometry to describe the movement of a shape from one place to another without rotating it or flipping it over. The instructions for Practice 3 ask the students to draw shapes that have been moved a certain number of squares in a specific direction on a grid.

For part (a), students are required to translate, or move, a square 3 squares to the right. This means that every point of the square must be shifted horizontally across three grid squares without changing the orientation of the square. In part (b), the task involves translating a triangle 2 squares up, which entails moving the entire shape two grid squares upwards. For part (c), the exercise is to translate a rectangle 5 squares down, which means shifting the rectangle vertically downwards by five grid squares. Finally, in part (d), students must translate a triangle 2 squares to the left, moving it horizontally two grid squares to the left side. Each translated shape should maintain its original size and shape, with only its position on the grid changing according to the given directions.