Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Translation

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Translation
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Let's Try It' section of Max Maths for Year 5, students are invited to explore the concept of translation in a fun and interactive way. The activity requires them to copy a shape and then draw the result of translating that shape according to the given instructions. Translation refers to moving a shape in a specific direction without rotating or resizing it. The set of instructions provided includes moving the shape by a certain number of places either to the right, up, to the left, or down on a grid with clearly marked coordinates.

For part (a) of the activity, students are asked to translate a shape 4 places to the right, which means shifting the entire shape horizontally, without changing its vertical position. In part (b), the task is to move the shape 1 place up, which involves a vertical shift upwards on the grid. Conversely, part (c) challenges students to translate the shape 3 places to the left, requiring them to move the shape horizontally towards the left side of the grid. Finally, part (d) instructs students to move the shape 1 place down, which is a vertical movement towards the bottom of the grid. Each translation results in a new position for the shape, and students are encouraged to accurately represent these movements on the provided grid. The workbook pages 216 to 217 offer further exercises and examples to support their learning of this mathematical concept.