Ten Green Bottles

Ten Green Bottles - PowerPoint
Ten Green Bottles - Worksheet
Ten Green Bottles - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Ten Green Bottles - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Lesson Description

EYFS Maths teaching resource - Ten Green Bottles: Statutory Framework for EYFS - Mathematics Number - children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number In this EYFS teaching resource pupils practise counting to ten forwards and backwards and practise finding 1 more and 1 less of a given number. . 'Ten Green Bottles - EYFS' covers some of the EYFS curriculum objective listed above. 'Ten Green Bottles - EYFS'; is an engaging and animated PowerPoint presentation containing: a link to a 'Ten Green Bottles' song counting bottles on a wall activity counting backwards from 10 activity as bottles fall off the wall 1 more and 1 less activity with accompanying worksheet three further worksheets 'Ten Green Bottles - EYFS' is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required To view 'Ten Green Bottles - EYFS' in more detail p from the PowerPoint slides.
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