Equivalent Fractions

Year 3
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint
Equivalent Fractions - Worksheet
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint
Equivalent Fractions - Worksheet
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint
Resource 1/4
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
Equivalent Fractions - Year 3 Animated PowerPoint presentation, 5 worksheets and fraction walls print-outs. Year 3 Maths programme of study - Number - fractions recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators 'Equivalent Fractions - Year 3' is a KS2 Maths teaching resource ideal to use in a lesson covering the year 3 curriculum objective listed above. This colourful and engaging PowerPoint presentation can be used to introduce pupils to equivalent fractions, or as a review of the topic. Content includes: What are fractions explanation What are equivalent fractions explanation Equivalent fractions for 1/2 animated slide Equivalent fractions for 1/4 animated slide Equivalent fractions for 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 and 3/4 activity and worksheet Circle the diagrams equivalent to 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 activity and accompanying worksheet Identify the equivalent fraction activity and accompanying worksheet Fraction word problems activity and accompanying worksheet Link to an equivalent fraction game Coloured fraction wall worksheets and black and white colouring sheets Cut out fraction wall strips Further equivalent fractions worksheet with answers 'Equivalent Fractions - Year 3' can be edited so teachers are able to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach. above.