Knowledge organiser - Islamic Civilisation - Year 6

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Year 6
Knowledge organiser - Islamic Civilisation - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Islamic Civilisation topic for Year 6 delves into the period commonly referred to as the Golden Age, a time when the Muslim world experienced significant advancements in various fields of knowledge. Students will build upon their prior understanding of historical civilisations, exploring the key vocabulary and concepts associated with this era. The House of Wisdom, for instance, was an intellectual hub in Baghdad, the then-capital of the Muslim world and present-day capital of Iraq. It functioned as a library or university that welcomed scholars from across the globe to study and exchange knowledge.

Key figures and cultural practices from this period are also part of the learning material, including the role of the Prophet Muhammad, who Muslims believe was the final prophet through whom Islam was revealed. The sacred month of Ramadan is another important aspect, during which Muslims fast from dawn until dusk. Students will learn about the production of manuscripts, which were documents written by hand and often reflected the rich scholarship of the time. The madrassa, a type of educational institution often attached to a mosque, is another term to be understood. The knowledge organiser aims to equip students with an understanding of why the Islamic civilisation was known as the Golden Age, the influence it had on healthcare and education, and the reasons for its decline.