Long-term overview - Islamic Civilisation - Year 6

Year 6
Long-term overview - Islamic Civilisation - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The early Islamic civilisation is often referred to as the Golden Age due to its significant advancements in various fields such as science, mathematics, medicine, and education. This period is renowned for its contributions to global knowledge and cultural development. The curriculum for Year 6 students seeks to explore why this era earned the title of the Golden Age, delving into the historical context and the achievements that characterised this flourishing period. Students will investigate the timeline of the Islamic civilisation, pinpointing when it reached its zenith of influence and prosperity.

One of the key institutions of learning during the Islamic Golden Age was the House of Wisdom, located in Baghdad, which was a center for the translation, study, and enhancement of knowledge from across the known world. The curriculum also aims to shed light on the impact of the Golden Age on healthcare and education, illustrating how these sectors were revolutionised during this time. Furthermore, students will examine the factors that led to the decline of the Golden Age, understanding the complex interplay of historical events that brought an end to this period of intellectual and cultural pre-eminence. Through this historical enquiry, students will develop a chronologically secure knowledge, practise historical interpretation, and appreciate the significance of the Islamic Golden Age in the broader tapestry of global history.