Link it! Prior knowledge - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In preparation for a Year 6 history unit on World War 1 and 2, students are encouraged to explore what they already know about these significant global conflicts. It is common for most pupils to have some level of awareness about the two world wars, often gained from conversations with older family members, or through media such as television and film. A majority of students will be familiar with key figures like Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill, and understand that Britain and Germany were central to the events of the wars. To organize their thoughts and existing knowledge, children are prompted to record what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser.

When focusing on prior knowledge, it's important to draw connections within the same subject and across other disciplines, as well as from the students' own personal experiences. This holistic approach helps to contextualize the historical impact of the world wars on Britain and aids in creating a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. Students are encouraged to consider the broad effects of the wars, not only on the battlefield but also on the home front, including social, economic, and political changes that shaped the nation. This reflective process is crucial in setting the stage for deeper exploration into the complexities of World War 1 and 2.