National Curriculum Objectives - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6

Year 6
National Curriculum Objectives - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The National Curriculum for History at Key Stage 2 requires Year 6 pupils to deepen their chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local, and world history. This involves establishing clear narratives within and across different historical periods while being able to identify connections, contrasts, and trends over time. Pupils are encouraged to use historical terms appropriately and engage with historical questions concerning change, cause, similarity, difference, and significance. They are expected to construct informed responses that demonstrate a thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information, acknowledging that our understanding of the past is pieced together from various sources.

As part of their substantive knowledge, Year 6 students are expected to learn key aspects of World Wars 1 and 2. This includes knowing the start and end dates of both conflicts, understanding the main events that led to the outbreak of each war, and recognising significant leaders like Hitler and Churchill. They should be familiar with the countries that allied with Britain during these wars and comprehend the impact these global conflicts had on the lives of ordinary people. The curriculum extends pupils' chronological knowledge beyond 1066 with a thematic study that explores the profound effects these two world wars had on Britain, shaping the nation's history and its role in the world.