Letter of Protest - Activity - Year 5

Year 5
Letter of Protest - Activity - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In an educational activity designed for Year 5 students, the task is to write a letter of protest, a key exercise in persuasive writing and historical understanding. The students are instructed to compose a letter that effectively communicates the facts and conveys their emotions on the subject of slavery. The letter should be impactful, making a strong case against the injustice of slavery. To ensure the letter is well-informed and accurate, students are encouraged to conduct thorough research and use online resources that provide background information on the topic. They are also advised to collaborate with a 'critical friend'—a peer who can offer feedback and suggestions for improvement—to refine their arguments and enhance the letter's persuasiveness.

The activity prompts students to engage with two fundamental questions to deepen their comprehension of the historical context: "What do we understand by the term 'slavery'?" and "What was life like on board the transportation ship?" By exploring these questions, students gain insight into the harrowing experiences of enslaved individuals and the brutal conditions of the transatlantic slave trade. This understanding is crucial for writing a letter that not only presents the facts but also evokes a strong emotional response from the reader. The process of editing each other's work is an integral part of the activity, as it helps students to refine their writing skills and learn the importance of constructive criticism in producing effective and powerful prose.