Where did the slaves come from? - Worksheet - Year 5

Year 5
Where did the slaves come from? - Worksheet - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

A worksheet designed for Year 5 students poses thought-provoking questions about the origins of slaves and the concept of slavery. It encourages students to articulate, in their own words, their understanding of where slaves were historically sourced from. This task requires students to reflect on their knowledge of history and geography to identify the regions and communities that were affected by the slave trade. Additionally, the worksheet asks students to define 'slavery'—a term that encompasses the forced subjugation and exploitation of individuals, typically for labor, without the freedom to leave or receive fair compensation for their work.

The worksheet also prompts a deeper exploration into the transference of slaves, looking at the routes and destinations involved in the historical slave trade. Students are expected to consider the global impact of slavery, recognizing the countries and continents involved, and the direction of the movements—from the places where slaves were captured to where they were transported and enslaved. This educational activity from Focus Education not only serves to enhance the students' historical knowledge but also to foster an understanding of the grave injustices associated with slavery.