Locate Iraq on the World Map - Worksheet - Year 5

Year 5
Locate Iraq on the World Map - Worksheet - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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This worksheet, crafted for Year 5 students, presents an engaging task that combines geography with a historical inquiry into the early Islamic civilisation. The primary objective is for students to locate Iraq on a world map. This activity not only hones students' geographical skills but also serves as a gateway to exploring the rich cultural and historical context of the region. Once the location exercise is completed, the worksheet delves into the illustrious period known as the Golden Age of the early Islamic civilisation, prompting students to discover why this era was given such a prestigious title.

The educational journey continues with a question about the House of Wisdom, an iconic institution that stood as a beacon of knowledge and learning. Students are encouraged to investigate where the House of Wisdom was located and to learn about its significance. Through this exploratory task, students gain insights into the profound contributions of the Islamic Golden Age to various fields of knowledge. This worksheet not only enriches students' understanding of world geography but also deepens their appreciation of historical achievements and their lasting impact on modern society.