When was the Islamic Civilisation at its most glorious? - Presentation

Year 5
When was the Islamic Civilisation at its most glorious? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The Islamic civilisation reached its zenith during what is termed the Golden Age, a period that is highlighted in the curriculum for History Key Stage 2. This era is characterised by significant advancements in various fields such as science, medicine, education, and culture, with Baghdad circa AD 900 serving as a focal point for this flourishing period. Students are expected to understand the geographical significance of the Middle East, particularly Baghdad, and acknowledge the contributions of the House of Wisdom, which operated akin to a modern university or library. The curriculum underscores the pioneering role of the Islamic civilisation in establishing hospitals and advancing medical knowledge, as well as its emphasis on education.

Another key aspect of the curriculum is the study of Prophet Muhammad, with an emphasis on his life and influence during the Golden Age. Pupils explore the reasons behind the end of this prosperous era, gaining insight into the historical context and the broader global narrative. The teaching materials encourage students to engage with timelines, compare the Islamic civilisation with British history during the same period, and utilise various sources to construct informed responses about the past. Through this exploration, students gain a chronologically secure knowledge of global history and the ability to critically assess historical evidence and interpretations.