Images of Instruments of Punishment - Crime and Punishment - Year 5

Year 5
Images of Instruments of Punishment - Crime and Punishment - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The topic of 'Crime and Punishment' is a fascinating subject that explores the evolution of legal sanctions over time. Year 5 students delve into the historical context of how societies have dealt with individuals who break the law. One of the key questions posed is how 'crime and punishment' has transformed throughout different eras. This encourages learners to think critically about the progression of legal practices and the societal values that underpin them. The subject matter is rich with opportunities for students to analyse and compare the changes in penal systems from ancient times to the present day.

An important aspect of this study is examining the evidence that indicates the severity of punishments in the past. Students are prompted to consider what artefacts or historical records demonstrate that some forms of punishment were exceptionally harsh. Through the investigation of 'Instruments of Punishment', pupils gain insights into the physical tools and methods used to enforce laws and discipline offenders. This examination not only sheds light on the cruel nature of some punishments but also serves as a reflection on the moral and ethical standards of different periods and how these have evolved to shape our current understanding of justice and human rights.