Bury Market Survey - Worksheet - Year 3

Year 3
Bury Market Survey - Worksheet - Year 3
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

This worksheet is designed for Year 3 students conducting a survey about Bury Market. The survey aims to gather personal experiences and insights from individuals regarding their visits to this renowned market. Students are required to note down the name of the person they are interviewing and proceed to ask a series of questions. These questions include whether the person has ever visited Bury Market, the reasons for their visits, the frequency of their trips to the market, and the time period since their first visit. This activity not only helps in understanding public engagement with Bury Market but also encourages students to practice their communication and data collection skills.

In addition to the survey questions, the worksheet prompts students to explore the historical and cultural significance of Bury Market. It asks why Bury existed initially, inviting discussions about the origins and development of the town itself. Furthermore, it inquires why Bury Market is well-known throughout the UK, encouraging students to consider the factors that contribute to the market's fame and popularity. This part of the worksheet provides an opportunity for students to delve into local history and understand the market's importance as a community hub and a destination for visitors from across the country.