Who was Lewis Howard Latimer? - Teacher's Notes

Year 2
Who was Lewis Howard Latimer? - Teacher's Notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Lewis Howard Latimer was an African American inventor and draftsman who played a significant role in the development of the telephone and the electric light bulb, two inventions that revolutionized the way we communicate and illuminate our world. As pupils explore the contributions of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, they are encouraged to delve into the life story of Latimer to understand his impact on these inventors' groundbreaking work. Latimer's expertise in electrical engineering and his skill as a draftsman were instrumental in the patenting process and the enhancement of these inventions. His contributions are a testament to the often overlooked but critical role that black inventors have played in shaping modern technology.

The teaching notes suggest that pupils watch videos about Bell and Edison to gain a foundational understanding of their famous inventions. Following this, they are directed to a video about Latimer's life story, which highlights his contributions to Bell's telephone and Edison's light bulb. By learning about Latimer, pupils are prompted to consider the broader question of which famous black individuals have contributed to the betterment of our world. This inquiry not only enhances their knowledge of historical figures but also serves to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of innovation and the far-reaching influence of inventors from different backgrounds.