Give me 3 - Black History - Year 2

Year 2
Give me 3 - Black History - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In the 'Give me 3!' challenge, designed for Year 2 pupils, children are encouraged to recall three items from various categories related to Black History. This exercise serves as a summary challenge for Key Stage 1, aiming to consolidate their understanding and knowledge of significant figures and concepts. The categories outlined for the pupils include naming famous black individuals who have made impactful contributions to our world, identifying different types of discrimination, recalling famous black women, and listing notable black inventors. For each correct answer provided, pupils are rewarded with two points, and they are given a total of 15 minutes to complete this challenge. This activity not only tests their recall abilities but also reinforces the importance of recognising the achievements and struggles of black individuals throughout history.

The 'Give me 3!' challenge begins with Slide 1, which sets the stage for the activity. Teachers are expected to guide the pupils through the task, encouraging them to think about and articulate their knowledge on these important topics. The challenge is an engaging way to promote awareness and respect for diversity and the contributions of black people to society. It also provides an opportunity for teachers to discuss the historical and contemporary significance of these figures and concepts, fostering an inclusive learning environment that celebrates the achievements of all people.