Put a circle around the words to do with black history - Black History - Year 2

Year 2
Put a circle around the words to do with black history - Black History - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In an engaging activity designed for Year 2 students, the class explores the topic of Black History. The children are paired up and tasked with identifying six words from a provided list that are relevant to black history. The exercise encourages students to think critically about the significance of each word and how it relates to the subject. Once they have discussed and selected the words, they circle them to indicate their choices. This interactive approach not only helps the students learn about important concepts but also rewards them with points for each correct identification, fostering a fun learning environment.

The words that are directly associated with black history and should be circled are 'discrimination', 'racist', 'equality', 'inclusion', 'protest', and 'slavery'. These terms are pivotal in understanding the struggles and achievements within black history. Following this activity, the students are prompted to consider the contributions of famous black individuals who have had a positive impact on our world. This not only helps to reinforce the vocabulary they've just learned but also introduces them to significant historical figures and their legacies. The activity is designed by Focus Education (UK) Ltd to provide a foundation for discussions on equality, fairness, and the importance of recognising and celebrating diversity.