Know it! - Black History - Year 2

Year 2
Know it! - Black History - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The "Know it!" Black History educational resource for Year 2 students aims to shed light on the significant contributions of famous black individuals who have played pivotal roles in enhancing our world. The curriculum encourages exploration and recognition of the achievements and impacts made by these influential figures throughout history. It is an opportunity for young learners to gain an appreciation for the diverse tapestry of people who have shaped our society and continue to inspire future generations.

As part of the learning experience, retrieval tasks are incorporated to help reinforce the knowledge gained during the unit. These tasks are designed to be revisited even after the main body of learning has concluded, ensuring that the information remains fresh in students' minds. By regularly engaging with the material through ongoing activities, children can better retain and recall the important contributions of these iconic black personalities, fostering a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of history and its many influential characters.