Show it! Group presentation - Black History - Year 2

Year 2
Show it! Group presentation - Black History - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a Year 2 classroom setting, students are encouraged to explore and celebrate the contributions of notable black individuals who have made significant impacts on our world. Towards the culmination of their learning journey, the children are given the chance to showcase their understanding and discoveries to their classmates. This presentation can take various forms, potentially including a staff-created PowerPoint that encapsulates the ongoing learning, which is then shared with the entire class for a collective educational experience.

Working in small groups of no more than six, the children can choose from a selection of topics that highlight the fight against discrimination and the achievements of distinguished black figures. These topics range from the defiance and bravery of Rosa Parks, the inspiring leadership of Nelson Mandela, the powerful narrative of Mary Prince, to the inventive genius of Lewis Howard Latimer. Each group selects one subject to delve into and then prepares a presentation to educate their peers. Starting with a friendly "Good Morning," they proceed to enlighten the class with stories of perseverance, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of equality, demonstrating the profound influence these individuals have had in shaping a better world.