Link it! Prior knowledge - Black History - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Black History - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The 'Link it! Prior Knowledge' section of the lesson plan for Year 2 students serves as a foundation for a unit on Black History. It is designed to activate the children's existing knowledge and personal experiences related to discrimination and diversity. The educators are encouraged to explore various aspects with their students, such as awareness of different types of discrimination, personal experiences of discrimination, reactions to news events concerning racial issues, and discussions about being part of a multicultural class. This approach helps to contextualize the learning and makes it relevant to the students' own lives and observations.

The lesson plan also includes an interactive component where children are invited to record their prior knowledge in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only helps teachers assess the students' starting points but also encourages the children to reflect on the contributions of notable black individuals who have made significant improvements to our world. By linking prior knowledge within the same subject, across different subjects, and from personal experiences, the lesson aims to provide a comprehensive and empathetic understanding of Black History and its impact on society.