National Curriculum Objectives - Black History - Year 2

Year 2
National Curriculum Objectives - Black History - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the National Curriculum for History at Key Stage 1, Year 2 pupils are encouraged to develop an awareness of the past, utilising common words and phrases related to the concept of time. This foundational knowledge helps them understand the chronological order of historical events and figures, as well as recognise the differences and similarities in the ways of life across various time periods. A significant aspect of the curriculum is to learn about the lives of notable individuals who have made substantial contributions to both national and international achievements, with a particular focus on the impact of black historical figures.

As part of their substantive knowledge, Year 2 pupils are expected to understand the meaning of 'discrimination' and to be aware of some of the key black individuals who have actively fought for their rights throughout history. They are also taught about the concept of 'slavery' and how it has shaped societies and the lives of people. Additionally, the curriculum addresses the unfortunate reality that discrimination still exists in the present day. By exploring these themes, students gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the significant roles that black individuals have played in shaping a better world, as well as the ongoing challenges faced in the pursuit of equality and justice.