Who are the individuals from immigrant families that have made an impact on our lives today? - Teacher notes

Year 6
Who are the individuals from immigrant families that have made an impact on our lives today? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The lesson begins by setting the context that heroes come in many forms and are not limited to renowned figures like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. The teacher emphasises the significant contributions made by various individuals from immigrant backgrounds in the ongoing fight against racial discrimination. To engage students and deepen their understanding, they are encouraged to listen to a rap by Fleur East multiple times, reflecting on its message and discussing its relevance in contemporary society.

Following this, the lesson shifts focus to '100 great Black Britons', a list that celebrates the achievements of Black individuals in Britain. Students are prompted to select one name they are familiar with and another they are not, with the aim of expanding their knowledge about these influential figures. The lesson includes a variety of illustrations from the list, offering students a curated selection to choose from. This activity forms part of a broader discussion on the impact of immigration on Britain over the past century, exploring how individuals from immigrant families have made significant contributions to British life and continue to shape our world today.