Why have so many people found Britain an attractive place to come to live? - Presentation

Year 6
Why have so many people found Britain an attractive place to come to live? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The curriculum for History Key Stage 2 in Britain includes a comprehensive examination of the nation's history, from the earliest times to the present, and how the lives of people have shaped the nation. A significant aspect of this narrative is understanding why Britain has historically been an attractive destination for immigrants. The teaching materials encourage pupils to explore the reasons behind immigration, such as seeking better opportunities or escaping difficult circumstances. Additionally, the curriculum addresses the prejudice faced by many immigrants upon their arrival, helping students to understand the challenges that come with moving to a new country. Notably, the Windrush generation—a term referring to Caribbean immigrants who arrived between 1948 and 1971—and the establishment of large Asian communities in the North-West of England are highlighted as key points of study.

In Year 6, students delve into the impact of immigration on Britain over the past 100 years, examining how it has shaped the country socially, culturally, and economically. Through a structured approach, pupils are encouraged to link their prior knowledge with new learning, and to ask questions that foster a deeper understanding of immigration's role in British history. The curriculum emphasises the use of a variety of historical sources, including timelines, artefacts, and first-hand accounts, to help students form their own opinions and interpretations of past events. This holistic approach aims to provide students with a clear understanding of the significance of immigration and its enduring influence on British society.