Why was the creation of the British Empire not always covered in glory? - Teacher notes

Year 6
Why was the creation of the British Empire not always covered in glory? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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As part of a unit aimed at Key Stage 3 History students, teachers are encouraged to present a balanced view of the British Empire, acknowledging the controversies associated with its history. The primary objective of this lesson is for pupils to understand that the British Empire's legacy is complex and includes aspects that are not historically commendable. The unit guides students through an exploration of five specific points that might be considered less than glorious in the context of British history. These points are not specified in the excerpt but are intended to provoke critical thinking and an understanding that the narrative of the British Empire is not solely one of pride and accomplishment.

Central to this discussion is the British Empire's involvement in the transatlantic slave trade. The lesson plan suggests using online resources to explain the slave trade and the infamous triangular trade route. Teachers are advised to engage with students on the topic of labour-intensive jobs in the past, such as moving heavy goods and picking crops, and how these relied heavily on the forced labour of enslaved people. The aim is to help students grasp the scale and human cost of the slave trade, and its integral role in the economic development of the British Empire. By examining these darker chapters of history, the lesson seeks to provide a more nuanced understanding of the British Empire's impact on the world.