Why did Britain start creating a British Empire? - Teacher notes

Year 6
Why did Britain start creating a British Empire? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The beginning of the British Empire is a significant chapter in world history, and understanding its origins is crucial for students. The initial aim of the lesson is to explore the reasons behind the creation of the British Empire. Students are encouraged to investigate how the empire began, the extent of its reach, and the motivations behind its formation. The lesson prompts students to consider the key figures who played roles in its establishment and to question whether the empire was universally accepted or met with resistance.

To facilitate a deeper understanding, students are directed to watch a video from BBC Bitesize that provides an overview of the British Empire. This resource is intended to spark discussion and debate on the necessity and origins of the empire. A timeline activity is suggested to help students visualize the sequence of events and contextualize them historically. Pupils are tasked with creating their own detailed timelines using the provided information and additional research. Further interactive learning is encouraged by forming groups where each member advocates for one of the six key aspects of the empire's creation. Sharing and discussing their findings with peers is designed to enrich their comprehension and foster collaborative learning.