Why did Britain start creating a British Empire? - Presentation

Year 6
Why did Britain start creating a British Empire? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The curriculum for Year 6 history delves into the British Empire, exploring its origins, expansion, and the countries that were part of it. Pupils are expected to understand how the Empire came into being and to consider both the positive and negative aspects associated with its history. This educational journey extends their chronological knowledge beyond 1066, providing a coherent narrative of Britain's past and its impact on the wider world. Through the study of this theme, students gain an appreciation for the complexity of the past, the reasons behind the creation of the Empire, and why it no longer exists, engaging with a range of historical sources and interpretations to build a detailed understanding.

Students are encouraged to engage with various learning components, such as timelines to understand chronology, and to ask historically valid questions to deepen their enquiry. Vocabulary specific to this period, like 'empire', 'colony', and 'Commonwealth', is introduced, enhancing their understanding of the subject matter. They investigate the significance of the British Empire's creation, its global influence, and the role of key figures and events such as the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the establishment of the East India Company, and the rise of figures like Mahatma Gandhi. Group activities facilitate collaborative learning, where each student becomes an expert on a particular aspect of the Empire, sharing their insights to build a collective knowledge base.