The invention of the wheel - Info sheet

Year 3
The invention of the wheel - Info sheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The invention of the wheel stands as a pivotal moment in human history, changing the course of civilisation and shaping the world we live in today. It served as a cornerstone in ancient societies, playing a crucial role in expanding territories and securing victories in battles through the use of chariots. These early applications facilitated the transport of vital supplies and people across vast distances. As time marched on, the design and functionality of the wheel evolved, significantly boosting trade and commerce. This evolution enabled societies to flourish by fostering economic growth and facilitating the movement of goods and individuals more efficiently than ever before.

In the modern era, the wheel's influence persists, underpinning key aspects of daily life and the global economy. It is instrumental in military logistics, international trade, and the transportation sector. Our contemporary world, with its reliance on vehicles such as cars, aircraft, bicycles, and trains, would be unrecognisable without this extraordinary invention. The wheel's enduring legacy is a testament to its revolutionary impact, demonstrating how a single technological advancement can irrevocably transform our environment and improve the human condition. The significance of the wheel's discovery, alongside other monumental advancements like the extraction and use of iron ore, marks a series of transformative events that have defined human progress from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.