Five things I know about how Victorian children played

Year 2
Five things I know about how Victorian children played
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Victorian children had a variety of games and activities they would engage in during their playtime. Traditional games such as hopscotch, marbles, and skipping ropes were popular among children of this era. They often made do with what was available, creating toys from everyday items or playing imaginative games that didn't require any materials at all. Wealthier children might have had access to early versions of board games and dolls, while those from less affluent backgrounds could be found playing with homemade toys or engaging in outdoor games that required little to no equipment. Team games like cricket and rounders were also enjoyed by those who had the space to play.

The Victorian era has had a lasting influence on our lives today, particularly in the realm of children's play. Many of the games and toys from that period have evolved into versions still enjoyed by children today. Additionally, the Victorians were instrumental in the development of public parks and playgrounds, which provided a dedicated space for children to play and helped to promote the importance of play for children's health and development. The concept of structured education and the introduction of summer holidays also came from this era, giving children more leisure time to play and explore the world around them. Understanding the games Victorian children played, such as hoops, wooden tops, and blind man's bluff, offers a glimpse into the past and highlights the continuity and change in children's leisure activities over time.