Be a historian - Seaside resorts - Worksheet

Year 1
Be a historian - Seaside resorts - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The worksheet titled "Be a historian - Seaside resorts" encourages students to engage with history through the lens of a historian, focusing on seaside resorts in the 1960s. The task begins by prompting students to watch an internet clip of a seaside resort from that era, stimulating inquiry and observation. Students are then guided to think critically about their observations, encouraging them to consider the historical context and to reflect on the differences in leisure activities between generations.

By adopting the mindset of a historian, students are asked to articulate their thoughts and findings, both verbally and in written form. The activity aims to foster a deeper understanding of social history by comparing the past to the present. Questions such as "What was my grandparents' childhood like?" and "How would our grandparents have enjoyed their holidays?" serve to personalize the historical inquiry, making it more relatable and thought-provoking for the students. This exercise not only helps students develop their analytical and communication skills but also connects them with the past in a meaningful way.