Who are the famous people from the past who lived locally? - Teacher notes

Year 1
Who are the famous people from the past who lived locally? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a lesson exploring historical figures from Manchester, teachers are encouraged to focus on the renowned Emmeline Pankhurst and her pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement. The lesson plan suggests delving into two key areas: substantive knowledge about Emmeline Pankhurst herself, and disciplinary knowledge that involves analysing photographs from her time. Students are to research Pankhurst's life and achievements, with recommended use of the BBC Bitesize resource to support their learning. This will not only enhance their understanding of her contributions to the fight for women's equality but also provide an opportunity for discussion about her unwavering determination.

The second part of the lesson requires a critical examination of historical photographs, prompting students to identify and discuss the differences between the era of Emmeline Pankhurst and the present day. This activity aims to help students recognise societal changes over time, such as the gender composition of the police force during Pankhurst's lifetime. By comparing the past with the present, students gain insights into the progression of social roles and the impact of historical figures like Pankhurst on contemporary society. The lesson is a part of a broader enquiry into famous individuals from Manchester and the UK, encouraging students to explore the legacies of local figures from history.