What do we mean by the term famous? - Presentation

Year 1
What do we mean by the term famous? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The term 'famous' is explored in the context of the History National Curriculum for Key Stage 1, with a particular focus on notable individuals from Manchester and the wider UK who have made significant contributions to society. The curriculum requires students to learn about the lives of such individuals, their impacts on our lives today, and to compare different periods of history. To understand 'famous', children are encouraged to differentiate between family members or local community figures who are important to them, and those widely recognized individuals who have achieved fame. The concept of 'famous' is further clarified by distinguishing it from 'significant', allowing children to appreciate that while someone might be important in their personal lives, this does not necessarily make them famous in the wider world.

As part of their learning journey, Year 1 students are introduced to a range of famous historical and contemporary figures connected to Manchester. They engage with prior knowledge, including discussions around significant people they may already know, such as sports personalities, musicians, or members of the Royal family. The curriculum includes activities where students identify and discuss the reasons behind an individual's fame, whether through contributions to social causes, arts, sports, or other fields. They are also guided to think about the various ways someone can achieve fame and to reflect on their own favourite famous person, considering what special qualities or achievements have led to that person's recognition and fame.