Long-term overview - Castles - Year 1

Year 1
Long-term overview - Castles - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The Year 1 curriculum for History, as outlined by the National Curriculum, aims to introduce pupils to the concept of castles and their significance throughout history. The educational goal is to help pupils understand the complexity of historical lives, the evolution of society, and the connections between different groups. Substantively, students will learn that castles were primarily built for protection and security. They will explore the numerous tales associated with these formidable structures and come to realise that castles exist, often at some distance, from their own localities. Additionally, they will become familiar with the various architectural features that make up a castle, enriching their understanding of historical dwellings.

On the disciplinary side, the curriculum focuses on developing a sense of chronology and causation, encouraging historical enquiry, and fostering an understanding of interpretation and significance. Pupils will learn to appreciate the difference between events that happened 'long ago' and 'very long ago' and will begin to create simple timelines. They will recall stories involving castles, recognise how objects like telephones have changed over time, and respond to questions about the past. Handling artefacts and considering why events happened will also be part of their learning experience. Through these activities, students will start to understand that history can be viewed differently depending on the source, and they will recount historical details from various sources such as pictures and stories. This foundational knowledge sets the stage for their ongoing historical education.