The Romans in Britain - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
The Romans in Britain - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

History Resource Description

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The educational PowerPoint titled "The Romans in Britain" provides a comprehensive look into the historical event of the Roman invasion of Britain. The objective is to enlighten learners about how and why the Romans embarked on conquering Britain. Before the Roman invasion, Britain was a land of Celtic tribes, with each governed by kings or chiefs. These tribes often engaged in conflicts, prompting them to build fortified structures on hilltops for protection. The Celts lived in villages, residing in wooden and mud houses with thatched roofs, and their primary occupation was farming. There were no established towns or roads; travel was mainly via boats on rivers or through muddy paths, and some Celts engaged in sea trade with counterparts in Ireland and France.

As for the reasons behind the Roman invasion, it was triggered by the Roman leader Julius Caesar's discovery that the Britons had supported the Gauls in battles against the Romans in 55BC. This, coupled with Britain's rich farmlands and mineral wealth, made it an attractive target for the expanding Roman Empire. The Romans first invaded Britain in 55BC and 54BC under Caesar, who led a force that barely secured a victory, necessitating a second invasion with a larger army to establish peace. It wasn't until AD 43 that Emperor Claudius launched a decisive campaign with 40,000 men, overcoming fierce resistance and eventually incorporating the southern half of Britain into the Roman Empire. The PowerPoint encourages learners to consolidate their understanding of this significant historical event by reflecting on what they have learned about pre-Roman Britain, the motivations for the Roman invasion, and the invasion itself.

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