Surviving the Blitz - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Surviving the Blitz - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The teaching resource titled "Surviving the Blitz" offers an educational experience for primary school students to understand how people endured the relentless bombings during World War Two. The objective of the lesson is to explore the various methods used by civilians to protect themselves during the aerial bombardment known as the Blitz. The material delves into the government's provision of air raid shelters, such as the Anderson Shelter, which was constructed from corrugated iron and could accommodate six adults. These shelters were typically buried in gardens with earth mounded over them for extra protection, although they could become cold and damp if built on poorly drained soil. For those without gardens, the Morrison shelter, a steel mesh cage with room for a family, was designed to be used inside a house.

Beyond private shelters, the resource also describes the use of London's Underground tube stations as communal refuges, where a spirit of camaraderie blossomed among the city's residents. As the Blitz continued night after night, people adapted to the new normal by engaging in social activities, looking out for one another, and waiting together for the all-clear signal. The teaching materials include tasks for students to draw and label shelters, compare their differences, and reflect on the comfort and protection they offered. Additionally, personal accounts from children who lived through the Blitz provide a poignant insight into the psychological impact of the bombings, the loss of innocence, and the varying perspectives on the communal spirit during this harrowing period in history.

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