Roman Entertainment - Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Roman Entertainment - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The worksheet on Roman Entertainment invites students to explore and document their knowledge of leisure activities during ancient Roman times. It begins with a prompt for students to jot down any information they already know about the subject, encouraging them to engage with their pre-existing knowledge or assumptions about historical Roman entertainment. This initial task sets the stage for a deeper dive into the various forms of amusement that were prevalent in ancient Rome, from the grand spectacles to the more mundane pastimes.

Further sections of the worksheet are designed to broaden the students' understanding of Roman entertainment. They are asked to label different forms of entertainment, which could include activities such as gladiatorial combat, chariot racing, theatre performances, and public baths. Students are then prompted to describe what they think entertainment in ancient Rome was like, allowing them to reflect on the cultural and social aspects of Roman life. The worksheet also includes a list of activities to be filled in that detail what one could do for fun in ancient Rome. Finally, students are encouraged to reflect on what they have learned during the lesson, including what forms of entertainment they believe would have been most enjoyable and why. This reflective practice helps to consolidate their learning and personalise their understanding of historical entertainment.

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