Introducing The Romans - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Introducing The Romans - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The educational resource titled "Introducing The Romans" aims to familiarise Year 6 students with the history and culture of the ancient Romans. The objective of the PowerPoint presentation is to lay the groundwork for the topic by engaging students with what they may already know about the Romans, possibly from previous studies, television programmes, or films set in Roman times. The presentation encourages students to share their existing knowledge through an interactive activity, where they create a spider diagram to visually organise their thoughts and ideas about the Romans. Additionally, the resource prompts students to think critically about what the name 'The Romans' implies about this ancient civilisation.

The presentation further delves into the Roman way of life, offering students a glimpse into the daily activities and societal structures of ancient Rome through multimedia content. It highlights the remarkable growth of Rome from a small hilltop village in 600 BC to a vast empire that, at its peak, encompassed parts of Europe and North Africa. The resource describes Rome as a bustling metropolis with a population exceeding a million, featuring grand public buildings, shops, baths, parks, and arenas for entertainment such as chariot races and gladiator battles. It also contrasts the luxury of wealthy Romans with the struggles of the poor and enslaved, emphasising Rome's status as the most advanced city of its time. To consolidate their understanding, students are encouraged to use sentence starters to write a paragraph summarising what they have learned about the Romans, thus integrating their new knowledge with their existing ideas.

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