Locate Blackburn on a map of the UK - Worksheet - Year 3

Year 3
Locate Blackburn on a map of the UK - Worksheet - Year 3
Focus Education
Focus Education
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This worksheet, aimed at Year 3 students, presents a geographical exploration task that involves locating the town of Blackburn on a map of the United Kingdom. Students are instructed to use an arrow to pinpoint Blackburn's position on the map. Additionally, they are tasked with shading in the area of Cumbria, which is a county in the North West of England, known for its picturesque landscapes and the Lake District National Park. The worksheet encourages children to engage with spatial relationships by asking them to estimate the distance from Windermere, a town within the Lake District, to Blackburn.

Further interactive learning is promoted by asking the students to plan a route from Blackburn to the Lake District, for which they are advised to use a road atlas, thereby introducing them to practical navigation skills. The worksheet also invites students to consider the unique qualities of the Lake District, prompting them to think about why it is considered one of the UK's special locations. Finally, the children are encouraged to compare and contrast the characteristics of the urban environment of Blackburn with the natural beauty of the Lake District, fostering an understanding of the diverse landscapes found within the UK.