What do we mean by climate change? - presentation

Year 6
What do we mean by climate change? - presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

Climate change is a critical subject that encompasses the alteration of Earth's climate due to human activities. These activities include the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices. As a result, our environment, the diverse wildlife that inhabits it, and human societies are all facing significant risks. However, the message is clear that it is not too late to take action. Through collective efforts, we have the power to make positive changes that can protect and preserve our planet for future generations. The importance of understanding and addressing climate change is integral to the education of young pupils, as they will inherit the responsibility of stewarding the Earth.

Teaching resources, such as presentations from Focus Education, encourage interactive learning by prompting pupils to watch educational content like the BBC Bitesize video on climate change for Key Stage 2. Following this, students engage in discussions to identify the main issues and reasons behind climate change. To facilitate deeper understanding and collaborative learning, students form small groups and label themselves A, B, C, or D. After initial discussions within these groups, students regroup according to their labels to consolidate their findings and outline three main points or actions they can take to support the environment. This structured approach not only enhances their knowledge but also empowers them to think critically about solutions and their role in combating climate change.